Statement and GDPR Policies


StudyGrow s.r.o. is a private entity providing consultancy services in the domains of education and immigration. StudyGrow s.r.o. is not affiliated with the Government of the Czech Republic, and all determinations regarding any visa processes are the sole purview of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. StudyGrow s.r.o. engages in contractual agreements with third-party service providers and suppliers, and all decisions regarding admission to programs rest exclusively with said service providers and suppliers. There is no obligation for you to procure paid consultancy services in the areas of education and immigration; you retain the right to apply for language courses directly through the service providers or to submit visa applications directly to the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic without any form of assistance.


By becoming a customer of StudyGrow s.r.o. (ID: 21638969), i.e., confirming your interest in the services of StudyGrow s.r.o. via email, StudyGrow s.r.o. becomes the controller of your data in accordance with GDPR, which we do not take lightly.

By authorising StudyGrow s.r.o. to perform the service, you acknowledge that consent is voluntary and that it can be withdrawn at any time.

Which data are processed?

StudyGrow s.r.o. does not possess any data beyond the required information from educational or immigration authorities.

The most commonly requested data includes passport scans (name, surname, gender, date of birth, nationality, passport number), telephone number, and email address to even initiate the process. Furthermore, for filling out necessary forms, information such as address, school, family members, employer, and education is required. In some cases, bank account statements or confirmation of salary may also be required.

What are these data used for?

  • Answering to your inquiries
  • Performing the service you have inquired about and entrusted to StudyGrow s.r.o
  • Information regarding the validity of your permit and passport is stored so that we can timely remind you of their expiration

Data retention period

If you are a client of StudyGrow s.r.o., the data are retained for the entire duration of your stay in the Czech Republic, unless you request their destruction earlier. This is done because, in the case of an extension, StudyGrow s.r.o. wants to save your time by not requiring you to provide the same information again. After your departure from the Czech Republic, all data will be properly shredded and destroyed.

Which data does StudyGrow s.r.o. never collect or store?

Data about religion, race, sexuality, political preferences, and similar information.

Who else has access to sensitive data?

Besides StudyGrow s.r.o., several companies/entities may have access to your personal data—ranging from simple access by Google when using Google Sheets as a tool for executing the process.

Authorities involved in selected processes, such as the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in case of immigration processes, municipal authorities in case of recognition of foreign education, partner companies in case of translation of your documents, and arranging insurance. Information about partners is available upon request at the email address

What are your rights?

  • Ask whether your personal data are being processed and specify which data
  • Request correction or updating of your data
  • Request the deletion of personal data — StudyGrow s.r.o. will comply unless it conflicts with other legal obligations (such as for accounting purposes)
  • You have the right to file a complaint against StudyGrow s.r.o. (regarding the protection of your personal data) with the Czech Office for Personal Data Protection